Result Oriented

Results or outcomes drive the purpose and process of any action, whether it is personal or professional. In a business, result-oriented performance is the most essential and most effective element, needed to align with organizational, department, and individual goals and objectives. Being result-oriented and perform is tangentially different from being casual with goals and still perform. In the latter case too, outcomes may be favourable, but they will be devoid of any measure or a benchmark, and can be short living too. So, why is result-orientation important? Why has MSAF made it one of the core components to realize the preamble of purpose?

Almost, every successful company in its league, around us, sets result-oriented as one of the Values. This is neither copied nor coincidental, but an attitude developed over a period, that becomes a symbol of successful businesses. At MSAF too, we have incorporated the same in our Values. Let us check some of the key factors that drive result-orientation:

  • Believe in a bigger picture: Looking at an object placed next to you, or glancing at an item that lies within your sight is easier. But if you develop a longer vision to look at a bigger picture, your vision will pay off bigger than what you can imagine. As an employee, do not just stuck to your daily routine, or a weekly report, or a monthly target. Don’t be stunted by Monday morning meeting or a Friday weekly review. Think bigger, think monstrous- what lies ahead, a year down the line, where is the company heading in next five years, where is your role more significant? When is the biggest customer landing in your kitty? These help you become more profound, more a perfectionist and a more a discerning planner.

  • Have time-specific goal for every activity, big or small: Clear your targets, starting from a pre-tea break presentation, to the fourth quarter’s top line achievement. Have a timeline and a timesheet in place to accomplish them, accordingly. This clears the clutter and helps you concentrate on more complex challenges that fetch you bigger results.

  • Solutions, not gambling: Many times, positive outcomes are achieved through a solution-based approach, rather than a wild gamble. Your planning and strategizing, whether it is winning the biggest customer of the town, or achieving the highest cost reduction in an operation, should be fired as solutions, and not roll the dice in the gamble.

  • Track goals: Don’t just have goals to fill papers or files. Keep tracking them using modern tools and technologies. If it is a team effort, delegate the KRAs clearly, and have a mechanism to track and monitor. No result shall be favourable when continual evaluation is missing

At MSAF, we are sure most of us have resolved to be result-oriented, and are driven positively by the ability to set a target, see it constantly, and reach for it. On your part, discuss this Value with your team and within your team. Invite action, seek support and build a combined plan to achieve departmental and individual goals

Create a periodical tracker to monitor how result-oriented you were during the period. Set benchmarks and measures to evaluate. Pass on this simple technique to your colleagues, and help them win too

Remember any sport, a match without a result does not win you full points, even if you have not lost