
Let us first understand what Integrity is

In its simplest and shortest of explanations, integrity is the quality of being honest; it is a commitment made to self to stick to your morals, values and most importantly follow your conscience. There has always been a universal and evergreen clash between holding integrity at any cost, and being smart to win the situation. While the line that separates them seems significantly thin, in most cases, the breach of it ends you as the one who has compromised the value of integrity.

In the midst of this debate, let us look into a few major traits that define and determine your integrity. But, before moving into the subject, let us throw light on certain sensitive aspects at workplace that pose serious test to your integrity and character.

Let us first understand the temptations that trigger a serious threat to someone’s integrity. Please stay noted that these situations are common to both personal and professional lives:

Greed: Human greed is the greatest reason behind compromising our honesty. The urge to grow faster, grab more, be ahead of others in the race, rob the rest to fill your pockets, make the most of what is around us, all these are the among the first step towards being weaker in sticking to our values. Jumping the line, practicing shortcuts… the list is tall Fear of loss: Yes, what is not ours, what is bound to be lost, what is coming to an end, are certain aspects that force us to break the barriers of honesty. The obsession to retain what we have received, even if it is unlawful or immoral, is the biggest motivation to be dishonest Jealousy and lack of empathy: He has and I don’t, she did and I couldn’t… the flicker of envy turns into flames of dishonesty Inefficiency: at times, this may be a cause where weaker performances can scare people to take to the wrong route and inappropriate cover to hide Habitual: In English, the word incorrigible has a strong sense and essence to define people who won’t change, there is no genetic or genuine logic to prove ‘why’

At workplaces, we must have encountered these situations and must have often resisted our own temptations to be on the wrong side. An urge to leapfrog, bypass, and trample others to grow, a fear to be caught, exposed, proven wrong, shown poorly, that spurs us to make people happier in a wrong manner, and show accomplishments in a fake and fraud manner, a dislike and sense of insecurity towards colleagues, unlawful and inappropriate ways of wooing customers and stakeholders, seeking personal gains, unhealthy practices to win at any cost, an endless list this is!

On a positive note, there are those beautiful traits and touch points that make us feel proud about being honest, listening to our heart, and staying peaceful in the end.

Always keep your actions stronger, thoughts purer, but aims higher and bigger Remember that your act of dishonesty can hurt someone else’s interests unfairly, empathize with them and understand what it is to be in their situation

Always own responsibility and accountability

Draw a strong line of border between personal and professional life and gains

Believe in time and in yourself, and wait for the result to be naturally favourable and not an untimely, unripe, and hybrid one. Our hunger for promotions and hikes, faster growth and foreign tours, is genuine, but if we are blind in being reasonable and sensible, the loss is ours

Be thankful to the organization and colleagues

Be open, assertive and honest in your communication. Always stay transparent and let the concerned be in the loop

Workplace integrity and important constituents

  • Loyalty

  • Decision-making

  • Customer and stakeholder relationship, holding organizational interest above departmental or personal

  • Empathy, compassion, care, and respect towards colleagues

  • Owning mistakes and staying accountable

  • Shunning personal gains and shortcuts

Always, remember, when no one is watching you and you still do things right and do right things, your integrity is seen in the purest of form