
Energizing maritime gateways

AF STAR steel products fortify ports, adding critical mass to the construction of crucial sections such as sturdy quay walls, breakwaters, and jetties, which provide essential docking points for vessels of varying sizes.

The high-tensile strength of our TMT bars, complemented with corrosion-resistance that specifically suits coastal climates and harsh marine conditions, ensure longevity and stability of projects.

Besides, our TMT bars are extensively used in fabrication of cranes, gantries, and a variety of handling equipment AF STAR products are widely used in many major and minor ports across the country, specifically for warehouse and storage purposes, reinforcing structural ability to withstand the dynamic movement, logistics burden and vagaries of nature.


  • Perfectly suited steel products pump energy and strength into marine gateways of trade and transport

  • Steadily making a mark in greenfield as well as modernization of existing ports

  • Best suited steel for corrosion resistance, specifically for marine environments