
Solid foundations for refining initiatives

Modern Steel is one of the most defining metalsin refinery building as well as refining process. With petroleum refining assuming complexities by the day and being extremely sophisticated, high-quality steel products are the need of the hour, that guarantee corrosion resistance, flexibility in fabrication, and meet a host of design and functional demands, such as withstanding massive loads, etc. AF STAR TMT bars match every requirement of the refining industry and are well-suited for handling a vast variety of corrosion byproducts, a common feature in refining.


  • Tested and proven TMT bars that suit the modern refining processes Ability to withstand corrosives, a common feature in refining

  • Our products’ amazing tensile strength can deal with heavier oils, gas oils, vacuum residuum, and hydrogenated and catalytically cracked products and byproducts Can play a crucial role in crude distillation process, by enhancing application of stainless steel